Humpty's Wish List

Humpty’s Wish List is what makes us unique.

The Wish List model gives donors complete choice
and transparency in their giving and many of our
donors choose to support their local hospital or
community in this way.

Every little life matters.

WISH 15 - INFINITY ACUTE CARE SYSTEM, St George Hospital, Paediatrics, NSW (2 needed)


The paediatrics ward at St George Hospital has seen a rapid increase in patients being admitted to St George Hospital suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa. These patients require a cardiorespiratory monitoring, close observation and 1:2 nursing care for a number of weeks until stabilised. The Drager Infinity Care System allows patients to monitored anywhere in the unit whilst recovering and this is something that can greatly improve the quality of care and outcomes of these long term patients and their families. In addition to the above St George like many other hospitals has seen a rapid increase in admissions since the COVID 10 pandemic of children who require non-invasive respiratory support and cardiorespiratory monitoring, the unit desperately needs more monitors to replace old units (DASH 5000) that have been decommissioned and to meet the current demands.

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