Humpty's Wish List

Humpty’s Wish List is what makes us unique.

The Wish List model gives donors complete choice
and transparency in their giving and many of our
donors choose to support their local hospital or
community in this way.

Every little life matters.

NEWBORN ANNE TRAINING MANIKIN, Women's & Children's Hospital, Maternity, SA (3 needed)


The Newborn Anne neonatal baby simulator is a manikin designed for skills training in neonatal resuscitation. With anatomical accuracy the manikin is designed to focus on the critical resuscitation skills required in the first ten minutes of a newborn's life. Ceduna Hospital staff are currently training with old manikins due for replacement.

If you would prefer to request an invoice or pay by cheque/bank transfer, please call the Humpty team on 1300-486-789 (1300-HUMPTY) or email 
