Humpty's Wish List

Humpty’s Wish List is what makes us unique.

The Wish List model gives donors complete choice
and transparency in their giving and many of our
donors choose to support their local hospital or
community in this way.

Every little life matters.

LIFE DOPPLER 250, Frankston Hospital, Women's Health Unit, VIC (3 needed)


This small fetal doppler is used to detect fetal heart beats for determining fetal viability and are also used to detect blood flow in veins or arteries for assisting in detection of peripheral vascular disease. Frankston Hospital's Women's Health Unit have very limited monitoring services for pregnant women due to the low number of dopplers. When a woman presents to our health service, our staff often spend time searching for dopplers; this time can be better utilized at the beside caring for women. The addition of a doppler in each room of the Pregnancy Assessment Unit (PAU is an emergency triage service for pregnant women) will reduce time staff spend looking for equipment and be able to provide more personal centered care for our pregnant mothers.

If you would prefer to request an invoice or pay by cheque/bank transfer, please call the Humpty team on 1300-486-789 (1300-HUMPTY) or email 
