Humpty's Wish List

Humpty’s Wish List is what makes us unique.

The Wish List model gives donors complete choice
and transparency in their giving and many of our
donors choose to support their local hospital or
community in this way.

Every little life matters.

WISH 13 - ANGEL EYE CAMERA SYSTEM, Nepean Hospital, Neonatology (2 needed)


This emerging technology enables families living in rural, and remote regions of the country to monitor their sick babies in hospital when they are unable to be physically present. Nepean NICU admits critically ill and extremely premature infants from NBMLHD as well as catering for the population within the entire Western NSW & Far West NSW Health Districts. They have a high number of families from rural/regional areas far away with high percentage of Aboriginal population within those communities. These cameras will help alleviate some of the emotional, organisational and financial challenges for families with other children in their care and/or needing to travel long distances.

If you would prefer to request an invoice or pay by cheque/bank transfer, please call the Humpty team on 1300-486-789 (1300-HUMPTY) or email 

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