Helping our community this Christmas
The Rottnest Island Nursing Post have identified the need for a portable ’ Vital Signs VS30 Monitor’ in order to better treat children attending with respiratory symptoms. The Nursing Post provides a vital service to our residents and visitors and this piece of equipment will enable them to perform their job more effectively and efficiently.
Thank you for the community and business support recieved to date - we can confirm we have just donated the Vital Signs Monitor!
With more equipment requests coming in from RINP let's continue to fundraise to give them the equipment they need.
Thank you!
Thank you to my Sponsors

Discovery Rottnest

Samphire Rottnest

Karma Rottnest
Fantastic essential service provided by all.Underappreciated for what you do.Awesome job,keep up the great work.

Simmos Rottnest And The Lane Cafe
Well done Rottnest Nursing Post, what a tremendous service you provide our Island. best regards The Lane Crew

Skydive Geronimo
Thank you to the Rottnest Island Nursing Post on all the work you do for our community. From the team at Skydive Geronimo!

Frank Stynman

Belinda Hill

Hike Collective

Paul’s Eco E Bike Tours

Carole Discovery Rottnest would like to give back to the community to short our appreciation and are happy to fund the balance outstanding